Digital Solutions
We develop solutions to support you in simplifying processes, boost your machines' efficiency and increase overall productivity under the UNITED GRINDING Digital Solutions™ brand.

Fast. Transparent. Secure.
Remote Service offers prompt, system-specific support by service experts: efficiently and with maximum security.

Predictable. Proactive. Documented.
The Service Monitor knows when maintenance work recommended in the operating manual is due and notifies you reliably and on time.

Efficient. Mobile. Transparent.
The Production Monitor gives you immediate access to your current production status — independent of time and place.

Connected. Mobile. Simple.
With the UNITED GRINDING apps, you can take the overview with you, anytime, anywhere.
The basis for UNITED GRINDING Digital Solutions™
The Digital Solutions assistance systems require only a few basic functions to perform reliably.

Simple. Central. Compact.
The Customer Cockpit is the basis for all UNITED GRINDING Digital Solutions™ products and is required once per site, not least to ensure IT security.